Jun 27, 2020

Takeaways from UX Hong Kong 2017

Designing the Designer —  by Jesse James Garrette

To start of with, this is not a keynote about his famous 5 Elements of User Experience diagram’ His sharing is about what makes a designer, a good designer. What are the key traits which help them get and stay ahead from other designers.

Jesse said that he is lucky and honoured to have worked with a lot of good designers in the past. In this keynote, he shared with us some of these unique qualities had he had identified.

1. They have good process

It’s not about which school the designer went to, what matters is the design process that they use and how they are able to adapt and continue to evolve.

2. They are human-centred

They treat people as people, not a persona or a user.

3. They understand and accept constraints

These designers know when to accept the trade-offs. Even the best designers have good days and bad days, they will never try to put up the ego and to 'do-all'.

4. They are open minded

They tend to have strong opinions. However, they are willing to drop their ideas if it’s no longer fit. They know they have flaws: In making judgement, in taking chances and be more human.

5. They focus on meaning and purpose

Their goals is not about getting invited to design talks or big conferences. Their main goal is to create meaning.

6. Being in love

They are always ready to be in love with people More importantly, they are in love with the world. These group of people are always looking to embrace the diversity of our world.

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